Participants from European NPM's at the workshop in Vilnius (photo: Semias Ombudsmen's Office).

On the agenda: monitoring psychiatric facilities

In June the Norwegian NPM participated in a workshop on "Monitoring of Psychiatric Facilities".

Representatives from a number of European NPMs were gathered in Vilnius in Lithuania on 21-23 June for a workshop organised by the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT). The Norwegian NPM was represented by two staff members at the workshop.

The topic of the workshop was “Monitoring Psychiatric Facilities”. During three days, the participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences from visits to mental health care institutions and to discuss challenges and questions from such visits.

The participants also visited a psychiatric facility outside of Vilnius.

Experts from the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) and the European Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT) were present and gave presentations on applicable standards. Download the presentations. 

This is the second workshop the IOI and the APT organise together aimed at NPMs. In June 2015 they organised a workshop in Riga on “Implementing a prevetive mandate”.